The Teen Years, Intensified

The Teen Years, Intensified

I think teens get a bad rap.  Yes, they have hormones coursing through their bodies that can make them act a little erratic from time to time.  Yes, their priorities start shifting and they have the potential to make decisions with some pretty big consequences.  Yes, their eyes roll and their snark takes on a new level of intensity.  But, when we understand them and see the delights of this stage, all of those things are tolerable at worst and maybe even a little endearing from time to time.

The Moment I Knew

The Moment I Knew

It’s a long, hard road to see that something’s different with your child. The giftedness I could see. I understood that. I accepted that. The other exceptionalities? I didn’t want to see it. I wanted it to be a phase. I wanted it to be intense emotions that, with help, would learn to be regulated. I wanted it to simply be an intensified version of typical development. It wasn't.