A Lot Can Happen in Two Years

A lot can happen in two years.

In two years I can go from married to divorced.

In two years Cub can go from living at home to a first-year college student three hours away.

In two years Chimp can go from being a little boy to a sassy pre-teen.

In two years the world can shut down and reopen again.

In two years I can be overwhelmed by personal, professional, and societal chaos, do some healing and crying and falling apart, and come out the other side back and ready to reboot the Fringy Bit and start up a new project or two.

But, perhaps more pertinent to you, lovely readers, is the fact that in two years KBear can go from a 12-year-old girl melting down nearly daily in amazingly aggressive ways, to a 14-year-old young woman who last had a major meltdown three months ago, is working a part time job, and is navigating life with more grace than I ever could have foreseen.

And so, for you who is facing a holiday season with a chronically intense and melting down fringy pre-teen. There’s hope.

Or for you, mom with a nonverbal 4-year-old who’s trying desparately to read into all her child’s behavior to understand what he wants and needs. There’s time.

Or for you, dad who is simply worn out and exhausted. It’s temporary.

A lot can happen in two years.

Or two months. Or two days.

If the past two years have taught us nothing, we know that life can change in an instant. And sometimes it changes in a more difficult way, and sometimes it changes in a way that brings ease and joy.

I know it feels like these meltdowns have been going on forever and will never stop.

I know it feels like there isn’t a way out.

I know it feels like grief and depression and anxiety are simply going to pull you under.

But, it changes. It shifts. You could not predict where you’d be two years ago and you cannot predict where you’ll be two years from now.

Even when you can’t be overly hopeful. Just remember, that a lot can happen and you will be ok.